Prototype Development & System Integration

TEN TECH AERO develops, integrates and supports small prototypes for commercial, R&D and military purposes, including:

• Embedded Electronics Packaging
• Wireless & RF Communication Integration
• Guidance & Control Systems
• Unmanned Aerial Vehicles & Small Airframes
• Support Structures & Payload Adapters
• Additively Manufactured Optimized Structures
• VITA 48.7 Air Flow-By™ Single Board Computer
Prototype Lab at TEN TECH LLC
Our engineers utilize standard design for manufacturing processes and Generative Design principles when Additive Manufacturing is to be employed, for lightweight lattice or honeycomb structures for instance. Our offices are equipped with PLA 3D Printers for small volume prototypes or functional parts, while larger subsystems or parts requiring higher tolerances or metal processes are generated by one of our partners, such as Xometry or Morf3D.
Metal Additive Manufacturing
Stacks Image 52015
3D Printing Topology Optimization
3D Printing Lab TEN TECH LLC

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